A Knowledge-based Mass Fragment Network Database to Identify Natural Products.
In this version (1.0), we have:
in-silico fragments of >400,000 known compounds and >200,000 generated compounds in
both positive mode and negative mode.
Refer to the picture below for overview of MassKG.
Our website will undergo maintenance and updates during Beijing time 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM every day.
In this website, we provide several strategies to query or browse in this database according to user's requirements. We hope to build a user friendly interface as well as a precise analysis method.
Spectral data provided to the forms following the given instructions. The system will return a ranked result by ranking all the possible candidates.
Batch data can be analyzed via this platform. Simply by uploading an integrated file to our system, and then retrieving your result after offline calculation.
Each candidate compound will get fragmentation through given cleavage rules using in silico method. Fragments can then generate a network of fragment tree.
The whole candidates were built to a network based on their structural similartiy, including the known nature products and generated molecules.
Select different database for different task. Known natural product database for compound dereplication and generated database for novel structure exploration.
To estabish the MassKG NP space, we collected the chemicals from COCONUT database, then a chemical language model was applied to generated compounds with novel structures.
Here, we exhibited top three most frequently asked questions as a guidance for using this webtool.
Should you have any questions or advices, please submit your voice to us using the feedback button. Also, you can send us emails anytime using the following contact information.
National Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Modernization, Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta, Zhejiang University
liaojie@zju.edu.cnNational Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Modernization, Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta, Zhejiang University
fanxh@zju.edu.cnNational Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Modernization, Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta, Zhejiang University